Saturday, November 22, 2008
Madrid Fusion 2009

Saturday, September 06, 2008
Star Chefs Congress 2008 - A Kitchen Without Boundaries
Star Chefs International Congress- A Kitchen Without Boundaries
Sept 14-16
New York City

For more information click here.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
by Yukari Pratt
Even the longest journey begins with one step. And your journey in the Japanese kitchen begins with dashi. Dashi is the basic building block without which Japanese cuisine as we know it would not exist. If you want to become proficient in the Japanese kitchen, you must master this one recipe.
I went to one of the best culinary sources I know, chef Kimio Nonaga, the 2002 Iron Chef champion and third-generation chef of Nihonbashi Yukari, a kappo ryori restaurant near Tokyo station (http://nihonbashi-yukari.com). Nonaga says he has recently changed the way he makes dashi based on scientific studies on how best to extract the flavor from kombu. Here is his method of making the basic kihon dashi jiru:
• 1.8 liters water
• 25 grams of kombu (Note: there are several types of kombu, but Nonaga-san prefers a variety known as rishiri)
• 20 grams of katsuobushi
Gently rinse the kombu in water and place in a medium saucepan with the cold water. Turn on heat to medium. Starting at 65ºC, the kombu will release its flavor to the water, so it’s best if the temperature remains between 65ºC and 85ºC. Within that range, there will be a slow stream of bubbles coming from the bottom of the pan. Do not go up to 95 degrees or closer to the boiling point, as this will cause bitterness.
Simmer at this temperature slowly for 25-30 minutes. Your kitchen will start to smell like you are at the beach, and the dashi, when sampled, will taste like the ocean. These are both good things. Continue reading here.
Even the longest journey begins with one step. And your journey in the Japanese kitchen begins with dashi. Dashi is the basic building block without which Japanese cuisine as we know it would not exist. If you want to become proficient in the Japanese kitchen, you must master this one recipe.
I went to one of the best culinary sources I know, chef Kimio Nonaga, the 2002 Iron Chef champion and third-generation chef of Nihonbashi Yukari, a kappo ryori restaurant near Tokyo station (http://nihonbashi-yukari.com). Nonaga says he has recently changed the way he makes dashi based on scientific studies on how best to extract the flavor from kombu. Here is his method of making the basic kihon dashi jiru:
• 1.8 liters water
• 25 grams of kombu (Note: there are several types of kombu, but Nonaga-san prefers a variety known as rishiri)
• 20 grams of katsuobushi
Gently rinse the kombu in water and place in a medium saucepan with the cold water. Turn on heat to medium. Starting at 65ºC, the kombu will release its flavor to the water, so it’s best if the temperature remains between 65ºC and 85ºC. Within that range, there will be a slow stream of bubbles coming from the bottom of the pan. Do not go up to 95 degrees or closer to the boiling point, as this will cause bitterness.
Simmer at this temperature slowly for 25-30 minutes. Your kitchen will start to smell like you are at the beach, and the dashi, when sampled, will taste like the ocean. These are both good things. Continue reading here.
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Mexico Guide Wins in London! The Best in the World, 2007

Monday, April 14, 2008
Gumbo Giveback

Tickets for the event are $95 per person, and can be purchased online at the International Association of Culinary Professionals Web site, www.iacp.com. Please join us for great food, live music and a night of celebrating the best in New Orleans cooking. The Crescent City Farmers Market has helped local farmers, fishers and food producers rebound since the devastating 2005 hurricane season and helped establish and encourage other regional markets. Get your tickets for the Gumbo Giveback and help us keep the momentum going!

Thursday, April 03, 2008
Chef Jam!: Emeril Lagasse at 2008 IACP Annual Conference

Come join us at this year's Culinary Trust Fundraising Event featuring chef Emeril Lagasse in what promises to be an unforgettable evening of "Rhythm on the Plate". Tickets are available for $150. The event kicks off at 6:30pm. If you happen to be in town, that is, New Orleans, you do not want to miss this special event!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
From Traditional to Trendy, German Rote Grüte Dessert
by Sharon Hudgins
"What are 'Red Grits with Vanilla Sauce'?" asked my American companions at a big hotel banquet in Berlin. "Sounds like something from our own Deep South," one of them chimed in.
They had all been reading the English translation of the German menu for a massive banquet buffet set up to serve a thousand people that day.
I explained that "Red Grits" is the literal translation of Rote Grütze, the German term for a sweet-tart red berry pudding that some people consider to be "the national dessert of Germany." And just a few spoonfuls of the ruby-red pudding were enough to convince my American friends to head back to the buffet tables for second helpings.
In almost every region of Germany I've found Rote Grütze listed on menus, from small family-owned eateries to beer halls to fancy hotel restaurants. But this popular pudding actually originated in the northern part of the country, in the region of Schleswig-Holstein, where it's known as Rodgrütt. That term is very similar to the Danish rødgrød—and indeed this same dessert can also be found in most of the countries bordering the North and Baltic Seas.
Summer is the best season for eating Rote Grütze, which is sometimes made from a single type of fresh berry, such as raspberries, but more commonly consists of a combination of raspberries, strawberries, red currants, even pitted cherries (a fruit). Occasionally blueberries, blackberries, and black currants are added, too, which gives the pudding a deeper, darker color. Now that frozen berries are readily available, you'll find Rote Grütze on some German menus year round. But summer is still the best time to sample this dish, when the berries are at the peak of their flavor.
So what do grits have to do with this classic German dessert? The term "Grütze" means "grits" or "groats," which are coarsely ground grains. In the past, a simple, very thick, peasant porridge dish was made by cooking cereal groats (wheat, barley, oats, buckwheat) in berry juice or fruit juice. Often this frugal dish constituted the main part of an evening meal in poor households. But over time, the emphasis shifted from the heavy, filling grains to the berry or fruit juice itself—just lightly thickened with cornstarch, arrowroot, sago, or tapioca—as the popularity of this tasty, easy-to-make dish spread throughout the country, from farm to city.
According to the late German food expert Horst Scharfenberg, in the 1970s this old-fashioned farmhouse pudding was "unexpectedly acclaimed as a treasure of home-grown haute cuisine and started turning up on 'gastronomic menus' all over Germany." Today, some chefs even tart up their Rote Grütze with red wine, brandy, or rum—hardly old German farmhouse fare. Traditionally this dessert was topped with milk, heavy cream, or vanilla sauce, and now it's also often garnished with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream—all of which provide a pleasant contrast to the color, taste, and texture of the red pudding underneath.
On a recent trip to Germany, I noted that Rote Grütze was on the menu of every place I ate. It even turned up on the breakfast buffets of some North German hotels. At a hotel in Berlin, it was presented in a big serving bowl with a pitcher of cream on the side. On a Berlin sightseeing boat, the lunch buffet featured Rote Grütze in small individual dessert bowls with vanilla sauce on top. At several tony North German restaurants, rustic Rote Grütze was served in miniature glass canning jars, like little Mason jars—obviously the latest fad in food presentation. Other chefs dished up their red-berry puddings more elegantly, in stemmed wine glasses with swirls of whipped cream on top. And one put a thick portion of this dessert on a large dinner plate, topped it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, and added a couple of rolled-up crêpes on the side, all garnished with a sprinkling of toasted pine nuts.
As with any unrecorded recipe that surely originated in many locations and several centuries ago, there are as many ways of making this dish as there are cooks who prepare it. Some people prefer a perfectly smooth pudding, made from thickened berry juice or berry purée. Others—including me—like a slightly chunkier version where a few of the berries or cherries are coarsely chopped or left whole. But whatever your own personal preference, always avoid Rote Grütze made from a packaged mix, which is nothing more than an insipid imitation of this fine German dessert.
(German Red Fruit Pudding)

6 cups fresh or frozen unsweetened berries (raspberries, strawberries, red currants, or any
combination of these, with some pitted red cherries if desired)
1/2 cup sugar
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1/4 cup cold water
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Garnish: Light or heavy cream, whipped cream, vanilla ice cream, or vanilla sauce
* Thaw frozen berries before using them. Some recipes include a few blueberries, blackberries, black currants, or dark cherries, too, but the primary color should be red.
Stem and wash the berries; shake them dry in a colander. For a smooth Rote Grütze, process the berries in a blender, 2 cups at a time, until they are completely pureed. For a chunkier version, puree 4 cups of berries in a blender and coarsely chop the remaining 2 cups. Or process all 6 cups in a food processor, using the chopping blade and pulse button, until the mixture reaches the consistency you want. If you want a Rote Grütze without seeds, press the pureed berries through a fine strainer or sieve.
Combine the processed berries and sugar in a medium-size non-aluminum saucepan. Dissolve the cornstarch in cold water in a small bowl.
Bring the berry mixture to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly. Stir the cornstarch in the bowl again to make sure it is dissolved, then slowly stir it into the berry mixture. Reduce the heat and let the Rote Grütze simmer for 3 minutes, stirring constantly to prevent scorching—just until the mixture begins to thicken. Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the lemon juice and vanilla extract.
Pour the Rote Grütze into a large serving bowl or individual dessert bowls or stemmed wine glasses. Cover and chill in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Serve cold, with the garnish of your choice.
Makes 4 to 6 servings.
2-1/2 cups milk
3 egg yolks
1/2 cup sugar
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Bring the milk to a simmer in a small saucepan, then let it cool to lukewarm. Whisk the egg yolks, sugar, and salt together in the top of a double boiler until they are well combined. Whisk the lukewarm milk into the egg mixture very slowly. Cook the mixture in the top of the double boiler set over, not in, simmering water, stirring frequently, until the sauce thickens. Remove from heat and stir in the vanilla. Serve chilled or at room temperature as a garnish for Rote Grütze.
Makes approximately 2-1/2 cups of Vanilla Sauce.
Sharon Hudgins is the Food Editor of European Traveler (www.europeantraveler.net) and the Food Columnist for German Life magazine (www.germanlife.com).
"What are 'Red Grits with Vanilla Sauce'?" asked my American companions at a big hotel banquet in Berlin. "Sounds like something from our own Deep South," one of them chimed in.
They had all been reading the English translation of the German menu for a massive banquet buffet set up to serve a thousand people that day.
I explained that "Red Grits" is the literal translation of Rote Grütze, the German term for a sweet-tart red berry pudding that some people consider to be "the national dessert of Germany." And just a few spoonfuls of the ruby-red pudding were enough to convince my American friends to head back to the buffet tables for second helpings.
In almost every region of Germany I've found Rote Grütze listed on menus, from small family-owned eateries to beer halls to fancy hotel restaurants. But this popular pudding actually originated in the northern part of the country, in the region of Schleswig-Holstein, where it's known as Rodgrütt. That term is very similar to the Danish rødgrød—and indeed this same dessert can also be found in most of the countries bordering the North and Baltic Seas.
Summer is the best season for eating Rote Grütze, which is sometimes made from a single type of fresh berry, such as raspberries, but more commonly consists of a combination of raspberries, strawberries, red currants, even pitted cherries (a fruit). Occasionally blueberries, blackberries, and black currants are added, too, which gives the pudding a deeper, darker color. Now that frozen berries are readily available, you'll find Rote Grütze on some German menus year round. But summer is still the best time to sample this dish, when the berries are at the peak of their flavor.
So what do grits have to do with this classic German dessert? The term "Grütze" means "grits" or "groats," which are coarsely ground grains. In the past, a simple, very thick, peasant porridge dish was made by cooking cereal groats (wheat, barley, oats, buckwheat) in berry juice or fruit juice. Often this frugal dish constituted the main part of an evening meal in poor households. But over time, the emphasis shifted from the heavy, filling grains to the berry or fruit juice itself—just lightly thickened with cornstarch, arrowroot, sago, or tapioca—as the popularity of this tasty, easy-to-make dish spread throughout the country, from farm to city.
According to the late German food expert Horst Scharfenberg, in the 1970s this old-fashioned farmhouse pudding was "unexpectedly acclaimed as a treasure of home-grown haute cuisine and started turning up on 'gastronomic menus' all over Germany." Today, some chefs even tart up their Rote Grütze with red wine, brandy, or rum—hardly old German farmhouse fare. Traditionally this dessert was topped with milk, heavy cream, or vanilla sauce, and now it's also often garnished with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream—all of which provide a pleasant contrast to the color, taste, and texture of the red pudding underneath.
On a recent trip to Germany, I noted that Rote Grütze was on the menu of every place I ate. It even turned up on the breakfast buffets of some North German hotels. At a hotel in Berlin, it was presented in a big serving bowl with a pitcher of cream on the side. On a Berlin sightseeing boat, the lunch buffet featured Rote Grütze in small individual dessert bowls with vanilla sauce on top. At several tony North German restaurants, rustic Rote Grütze was served in miniature glass canning jars, like little Mason jars—obviously the latest fad in food presentation. Other chefs dished up their red-berry puddings more elegantly, in stemmed wine glasses with swirls of whipped cream on top. And one put a thick portion of this dessert on a large dinner plate, topped it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, and added a couple of rolled-up crêpes on the side, all garnished with a sprinkling of toasted pine nuts.
As with any unrecorded recipe that surely originated in many locations and several centuries ago, there are as many ways of making this dish as there are cooks who prepare it. Some people prefer a perfectly smooth pudding, made from thickened berry juice or berry purée. Others—including me—like a slightly chunkier version where a few of the berries or cherries are coarsely chopped or left whole. But whatever your own personal preference, always avoid Rote Grütze made from a packaged mix, which is nothing more than an insipid imitation of this fine German dessert.
(German Red Fruit Pudding)
6 cups fresh or frozen unsweetened berries (raspberries, strawberries, red currants, or any
combination of these, with some pitted red cherries if desired)
1/2 cup sugar
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1/4 cup cold water
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Garnish: Light or heavy cream, whipped cream, vanilla ice cream, or vanilla sauce
* Thaw frozen berries before using them. Some recipes include a few blueberries, blackberries, black currants, or dark cherries, too, but the primary color should be red.
Stem and wash the berries; shake them dry in a colander. For a smooth Rote Grütze, process the berries in a blender, 2 cups at a time, until they are completely pureed. For a chunkier version, puree 4 cups of berries in a blender and coarsely chop the remaining 2 cups. Or process all 6 cups in a food processor, using the chopping blade and pulse button, until the mixture reaches the consistency you want. If you want a Rote Grütze without seeds, press the pureed berries through a fine strainer or sieve.
Combine the processed berries and sugar in a medium-size non-aluminum saucepan. Dissolve the cornstarch in cold water in a small bowl.
Bring the berry mixture to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly. Stir the cornstarch in the bowl again to make sure it is dissolved, then slowly stir it into the berry mixture. Reduce the heat and let the Rote Grütze simmer for 3 minutes, stirring constantly to prevent scorching—just until the mixture begins to thicken. Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the lemon juice and vanilla extract.
Pour the Rote Grütze into a large serving bowl or individual dessert bowls or stemmed wine glasses. Cover and chill in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Serve cold, with the garnish of your choice.
Makes 4 to 6 servings.
2-1/2 cups milk
3 egg yolks
1/2 cup sugar
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Bring the milk to a simmer in a small saucepan, then let it cool to lukewarm. Whisk the egg yolks, sugar, and salt together in the top of a double boiler until they are well combined. Whisk the lukewarm milk into the egg mixture very slowly. Cook the mixture in the top of the double boiler set over, not in, simmering water, stirring frequently, until the sauce thickens. Remove from heat and stir in the vanilla. Serve chilled or at room temperature as a garnish for Rote Grütze.
Makes approximately 2-1/2 cups of Vanilla Sauce.
Sharon Hudgins is the Food Editor of European Traveler (www.europeantraveler.net) and the Food Columnist for German Life magazine (www.germanlife.com).
Thursday, March 06, 2008
HAT’S OFF TO JULIA: A Pilgrimage
Just outside of picturesque Valbonne in Provence, there is a villa on a gentle hill that attracted a very famous American food lover’s eye in the early 1950’s. Julia Child embarked on a journey of conquest to learn everything about French cooking. She and her husband, Paul, made this heavenly spot their home. Today Kathie Alex and her cooking school, “Cooking with Friends” inhabit the same villa “La Pitchoune”. Sitting in her garden in the warmth of the afternoon sun, enjoying a glass of her specially selected pink sparkling wine and being served Pissaladiere together set the stage for her story about how she acquired this property. The tale is as intense and effervescent as what we are served and she is making it a bit sweeter than it probably was, but not as sweet as the caramelized onions. As for many of us who have been captivated by the food world, although not necessarily working within the culinary profession, our love for food and culture triggered us to travel and challenged us as human beings. Kathie certainly has a story like that.
She teaches groups from four to six people, all within her home. There are three double bedrooms with separate bathrooms, a lovely garden with a "piscine", an impressive herb garden and a beautiful vista enveloping an ancient landscape. Valbonne is about 35 min from the coast (and the airport in Nice), near the Cote d Ázur, named for its color and beauty.
Kathie focuses on simple and genuine French cooking and there is a lot to learn from her through the many stories she tells. If you go, we are quite sure you could get her to tell you the story of how she met with the former owner of the house, Julia Child and her association with her neighbor and pal, “Simca”, better known as Simone Beck.. What better way to celebrate the legendary diva in a “hat’s off” tribute? We guarantee that you will not regret traveling the journey to sit in the garden and hear the story. In the mean time here’s Kathie’s recipe for the traditional Pizza style snack from Nice.
By Lars Røtterud & Scott Givot, CCP
For more information about La Pitchoune visit

Onion and Anchovy Pizza
For 20 appetizer-sized servings or
6 to 8 first course servings
8 cups thinly sliced yellow onions
4 to 6 tablespoons olive oil
bread dough or other pastry
1 teaspoon Herbes de Provence or dried thyme
Salt and pepper
1 2-ounce cans flat anchovy fillets, packed in olive oil
24 Niçoise olives or any Mediterranean type, olive
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese (optional) a sheet pan, about 11 x 17 inches
Parchment paper
Cook the onions over low heat in a large covered frying pan with 1/4-cup olive oil, stirring occasionally until they are soft and tender but not browned, about one hour. Add a little water if onions begin to burn. Remove cover, add Herbes de Provence and continue cooking for about 20 minutes, stirring frequently or until onions are caramelized.
Roll out chilled dough on parchment paper into a rectangle, 1/8 inch thick. Transfer to pan and trim off the overhanging edges. Fold edges of dough down against the bottom and make a decorative border. Prick the inside surface of the dough all over with the tines of a fork. Cover and refrigerate until ready to use.
When onions are tender, season with salt and pepper, and cool. Spread over the prepared crust. Cover and refrigerate until ready to bake. (Can also be wrapped and frozen at this point.)
Preheat oven to 425°F.
While oven is preheating, arrange a design of anchovies and olives over the onions. Sprinkle with cheese and drizzle with a tablespoon of olive oil. (The oil from the anchovies can be used.) Bake in the lower third of the oven until the pastry has browned and is beginning to shrink from the sides of the pan or about 15 minutes.
Slide onto a cutting board or work surface and cut into serving pieces.
Photo by U Cuccu
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Le Cordon Bleu North America offers Fat Tuesday Menu

Beginning Fat Tuesday and through the end of the week, February 2-8, twelve of the schools will feature Cajun and Creole menus in their student-run restaurants, which are open to the public. Three schools will contribute flat donations. Proceeds of the national “Give-Back” project will support the Crescent City Farmers Market, in New Orleans.
Although it has been over two years since the area was devastated, there is still a great deal to do in order to get the once vibrant culinary community back on its feet,” said Kirk T. Bachmann, vice president of education and corporate executive chef for Le Cordon Bleu Schools North America.
Bachmann, who also serves as serve as the chair for the International Association of Culinary Professionals (IACP) Chefs, Restaurateurs and Sommeliers Committee, said the project was conceived in committee following the 2007 IACP Annual Conference, held in Chicago. And, given that the 2008 conference will be held in New Orleans, it “seemed a natural fit”.
Bachmann and his team pitched the concept to the schools and created a suggested menu for the project; the executive chefs, with their students, made the final decisions.
Some schools will offer a Louisiana-inspired menu for lunch and dinner; others, such as Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts, in Minneapolis/St. Paul and in Atlanta, will offer a special Pris Fixe Mardi Gras menu all week at both lunch and dinner, and all revenues from that menu will be donated to the project. Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts Miami has added a kick-off breakfast and New Orleans jazz to the menu.
At each of the culinary schools, with the exception of Pennsylvania Culinary Institute (PCI), students manage and staff a restaurant under the direct supervision of chef instructors. As an academic laboratory, the restaurants provide students with the opportunity to gain experience while managing and operating a full-service restaurant. In lieu of a restaurant, PCI students take full advantage of externships in local establishments.
“Our students in the culinary arts and hospitality and restaurant management program are thrilled to be part of this important project”, said Kelly Bozarth, president of Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts Miami.
According to the Economics Institute at Loyola University New Orleans, the Crescent City Farmers Market serves has changed the way New Orleanians shop and eat, how they spend their Saturday mornings, and their awareness of their dependence upon regional growers, fishers, and other food producers. Last year, the Crescent City Farmers Market—now open four days a week at four locations throughout New Orleans — directly impacted the bottom line of more than 60 local farmers and fishers, enabling them to achieve an economic stability—and profitability—they once could only imagine.
“The collective commitment of our schools illustrates that our faculty and students are engaged in not only their local culinary communities, but the larger national community as well. The New Orleans area will directly benefit from our contributions and I am honored to be part of the Le Cordon Bleu family as well as a member of the International Association of Culinary Professionals, who have made this project a priority.”
A complete list of the Le Cordon Bleu Schools North America student-run restaurants is attached.
About Le Cordon Bleu Schools North America
Le Cordon Bleu Schools North America is the largest provider of quality culinary arts education. Few institutions possess the distinguished reputation of Le Cordon Bleu, which established its first culinary school in Paris in 1895. For more information about Le Cordon Bleu Schools North America, go to: www.lecordonbleuschoolsusa.com
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Join us for the 2008 International Event

What is traditionally becoming a much awaited highlight at the IACP conference, the international members of our organization have planned a fabulous event again this year, in New Orleans.—“A Night of Bliss, Bubbles and Blues” on Friday evening immediately following the Awards presentation. This is a very popular event, with members from all over the World joining in, making it an excellent opportunity to informally celebrate the global fraternity of IACP.
This year’s event will be at the Rio Mar restaurant. To kick the evening festivities off and to set the mood of the magic of New Orleans, masks will be available with entry. The Rio Mar restaurant is a top notch restaurant specialising in seafood with flavours of Spain and a touch of New Orleans. Executive chef, Chef Adolfo Garcia was named Chef of the Year by New Orleans Magazine in 2006 so we are in for a treat. Fabulous tastes prepared by Chef Adolfo accompanied by a local blues singer are just some of the high points of the evening. And we have other terrific surprises in store for you too.
Hope to see you there!
April 18, 2008
9pm - midnight
800 South Peters Street
(Corner of Julia and South Peters)
Warehouse District
New Orleans
Tickets are available for $75
includes food & drinks, masks and prizes!
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
IACP 2008 Annual Conference @ New Orleans

IACP members will meet in New Orleans on the week of April 14, to celebrate its 30th Anniversary and participate in "Rhythm on the Plate" - this year's Annual Conference. If you arrive early, you may want to check out the culinary tours being offered on Tuesday - a nice start to the week that lies ahead. Wednesday is when our professional sections have their forums, and also when we hold our opening reception. From Thursday through Saturday you may attend our workshops, but I warn you, you are going to have a very hard time deciding on which to attend, because they are all very good. Among the chefs, writers, and bloggers that will participate in the IACP 2008 Annual Conference are:
* Paul Prudhomme
* Emeril Lagasse
* John Besh
* Susan Spicer
* Jessica Harris
* Pim Techamuanvivit
* Nina Simonds
* David Thompson
* Mai Pham
* Rick Bayless
* Raymond Blanc
* Mark Hix
* Donald Link
* Mas Masumoto
* Suvir Saran
* Patricia Mc Causland-Gallo
If you would like to help the New Orleans culinary community get back on its feet, join us during IACP 's 30th Annual Conference at the New Orleans Hilton Riverside for a memorable week. If you are not an IACP member, you can still attend the conference. For more information and to read the conference program, click here.
And if you would like to help us promote the New Orleans Conference, do so by displaying a Conference Banner on your blog or website. The banners are really cool and you can choose among three designs. Go to this page to pick your banner.
Friday, January 11, 2008
A peek into the biodynamic farm at La Provence, with Chef John Besh
Not sure on which optional culinary tour to register for on the Tuesday of the IACP Conference? Take a peek into John Besh's Biodynamic Farm at his first restaurant, La Provence. This is part of OP-04 Northshore Terroir Tour where you'll travel to Lacombe, Louisianna and enjoy a great meal at La Provence, followed by a stop at Pontchartrain Vineyards where you'll tour the grounds and taste fine local wines.
Join us for our 30th Annual Conference in New Orleans, April 15 - 20. For more information visit the IACP website at www.iacp.com.
If you are not an IACP member, you too can join us in New Orleans. For more information on IACP's special offer for non-members contact Emily Pohler at (800) 928 4227 or email her at epohler@hqtrs.com
The following video is directed by David Aman, of DocNO Productions.
Join us for our 30th Annual Conference in New Orleans, April 15 - 20. For more information visit the IACP website at www.iacp.com.
If you are not an IACP member, you too can join us in New Orleans. For more information on IACP's special offer for non-members contact Emily Pohler at (800) 928 4227 or email her at epohler@hqtrs.com
The following video is directed by David Aman, of DocNO Productions.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Sunday, January 06, 2008
A Taste of New Orleans' traditional foods
The IACP 2008 Annual Conference will take place in the city of New Orleans, the week of April 14. If you're planning to attend this event and if this will be your first time in the city, here are a few places you'd like to check out and experience the traditional foods of Louisiana. We hope to see you there!
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